There is nothing like the sound of Woman. And I don't mean the actual sound of sound, I mean the soothing sound of pure Womanhood. The loud tone of maturity is melodic!! Woman's wisdom is music to the ears, but only to those who appreciate this kind of symphony. Without Her, there would just be silence. The Heart would be flat, just a mute trying to read signs. New school or Old school you can find Her being played on every dial, but only the classics get their volume turned up. The Opera of relationship would be emotionless. The Gospel wouldn't be felt, feelings would just be hypocrites.

So to the super producer producing this soulful rhythm that prevents our world from being full of noise, I am your biggest fan, your groupie with no plans of ever smearing your name or pirating your fine work. But I do have one request, keep composing your sweet serenade Miss Lady because not only me, but life is listening and it will applaud you with glued hands, giving you that eternal Standing O for as long as you're in the business of commanding the stage and giving "You" your all. "Success is your baton, now conduct the orchestra."