Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jerks vs. The Nice Guy

To not put anyones narrow-shallow-minded ideologies on blast (because there's probably a nation of them out there, much deeper than the taliban and I don't want that kind of attack...lol) I will respectfully remove the names of all those involved in this here topic (especially my own..lol) So I was having a conversation with a certain elusive species called "Woman." A fine creature, I might add...with an obvious outer beauty, truly favored by God because of the careful attention for her physical detail; pretty black hair that looked as if it never had to argue with a comb, skin colored with a perfect tan, legs carefully designed like a pirates map, but the booty was a little hard to find...lol...

Any who, she spoke, and the words spoken from her mouth revealed a sad theft of inner beauty. She said without hesitation "I will go out with a jerk who's rude to me and has all these other girls much quicker then I will with a Nice Guy to see if I'm missing out on anything." Now I tried hard to not hate and I tried with superhero strength to try and see the logic in what she said, but I'm sorry "That was the STUPIDDDDDEST mess I've ever heard"....lol Is this the new Woman? I thought the women's revolution songs: "Put a ring on it"..."Call Tyrone"..."I Kissed a Girl" (ok maybe not that one) or any one of Mary J's songs was the theme music for the rebirth of the real woman movement. Is that woman now extinct? If so, then The Nice Guy is sure to be at the top of endangered list....(glance at watch)... Like now!!!

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